Commonly Asked Questions

Below is a list of questions we receive from current and future clients on a daily basis:

Q: How much do you charge per hour?:

A: For mulching operations we charge a flat $250 per hour.  For most jobs, with clear guidance from the client, we can provide a “to not exceed” bid.  Also if we are looking at a multi-day job (30 hrs +), we offer a multi day job discount. For re-vegetation, herbicide application, and specialty operations we quote on a per job basis.

Q: Why do you charge so much for “brush clearing”?

A: This is always an interesting question because it depends on what the client comparing us to and what is the actual scope of the work?  If we are being compared to a tractor with a bush hog and you have a field that has mainly grass and a few small (2″>) trees, then a bush hog type mower maybe the way to go as these services can be delivered at a much lower price point due lower overall operational costs.

The other side of the coin is that many service providers will think that since they have a bush hog or skid steer mounted bush cutter that they can take on heavy bush clearing work and thus under bid jobs then can’t complete the job or end up overcharging the client due to the fact that on a per hour production basis, they just can’t deliver like we can.

Our mulching units are purpose build to take on everything from grasses to 15″ diameter trees on 30 degree slopes and can do it all day long and then in turn deliver an end state that is manageable by the client.  This means that in service areas all stumps are run down to ground level, all protruding limbs are removed, all vegetation is mulch and left on the ground in an aesthetically pleasing way that supports the land and acts as a deterrent to erosion and invasive plant regrowth.

Another difference with us is that we utilize a mix of both cutting teeth and hammer style teeth on our mulching heads.  While this may be getting a little into the weeds on our processes, the difference between cutting teeth is the difference between using a knife or a fork to cut your steak!  While this significantly increases both our ability to take down larger material and process material more quickly, it unfortunately comes at a cost of increased operating costs.  90% of our competitors don’t run these regularly because of the cost, but we believe that providing our customers with the most productive and efficient unit possible is simply better business over the long run.  Just wait until you see what we can do!       

But it goes beyond just having a mulching unit.  We also provide a support vehicle that contains spare parts, fluids, fuel, and the tools to keep the unit running on site.  But most importantly, we provide an operator that know how to operate the machine in the most efficient and effective manor.  This isn’t something we do part time.  This is all we do everyday and it shows.  This is why we charge $250 per hour.

Q: Why is your bid so low?

A: We have also had clients question our ability to complete jobs when our bid for services comes in vastly under what they are being quoted by other providers.  We find this to be especially true in the commercial and government sectors.  The answer is basically the same as the answer to the question above.  We have the proper equipment, support mechanisms, and personal to take on these jobs in a much more efficient manor than other providers.

The reason why is MTM is solely dedicated to take on vegetation overgrowth management and as such can justify the expense associated with purchasing the proper high production equipment need to do the job right and since this is all we do, we are pretty good at it.  For instance when an excavation company is considering an equipment expenditure, do they A: spend the $$ on something they can use on 75% of their jobs, or do they spend the $$ on something they can use on 10% of them.   The answer is simple, but also explains our purpose and how we are able to do what we do and for the price we do it at.

Q: Do you have a minimum job size?

A: In general, we like to have at least a half day of operating for areas within 1 hour of Louisville, KY.  For anything outside of that we would like to have at least eight operating hours.

Q: How many acres can you clear in a day?

A: This can be an extremely difficult question to answer but as a general rule of thumb .75-1.25 acres per ten hour day if operating on flat land with our smallest unit and conducting clear cutting operations.  Below are some factors to consider:

Q: I have a hill side/ pond I need cleared around?

A:  When operating on hill sides, around ponds, or clearing overlook areas we use excavator mounted units that allow us to reach down into those areas while operating from a safe location.

Q: What type of weather/ conditions can you run in?

A: We can run in everything from -10-100 degree weather and in driving rain and up to 6″snow.  The only thing that really slows us down is extremely muddy conditions.  While we can float over mud and really leave a nice trail behind, we run into issues with traction and our ability to climb hills.  Otherwise we operate in pretty much any/ all conditions.

Q: How big is the mulch material when you are done?

A: While the size of the material can vary depending upon age and species type, on average most material will end up in that 3-12″ in length range and approx. 2″ in diameter.

Q: How long does it take to break down?

A: While rate of deterioration can vary depending upon age, species type, weather conditions and the amount of material packed in an area, most material will break down over approx. 24 months.

Q: Can I put grass seed on it?

A:  After approx. 12 months, most areas will begin to accept grass seed.

Q: Can I mow over the mulch areas?

A:  We highly recommend not using anything other than a rotary Bush Hog style mower for the first 12 months.  The reason for this is that while the material is broken down, it is still has the ability to damage decks and blades on standard residential/ commercial style finish mowers.

Q: Do you ever take on???

A:  If you don’t see a service listed, give us a call.  While our focus is on vegetation overgrowth management, we have been known to take on other tasks such as constructing driveways, shooting ranges, and addressing drainage issues.  With that said, we only do jobs that we have the proper equipment and expertise to handle.  We don’t pour concrete or build barns, but we can get you to that point.